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ESG Initiatives

Design Optimization
united nations

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by United Nations Member States in 2015 provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. The agenda talks about 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

At OPERION, we have focused on 5 of these elements from the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as our strategy. We want to contribute to society by improving health and education, reducing inequality, and spurring economic growth.

Hence, these are our focused goals:

  • Ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all.
  • Achieving gender equality and empowering women and girls.
  • Promoting controlled, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, productive employment, and decent workspace for all.
  • Strengthening the means of implementation and revitalizing the global partnership for sustainable development.
ESG reporting and compliance process
4 quality education
5 gender equality
13 climate action
14 life below water

Charity & Sponsorship

Since the establishment of OPERION, we have participated in various charity and sponsorship programs. These include website sponsorship, cash sponsorship, donation, etc., to different kinds of associations in Malaysia. The objective of this participation is that we are involved in charity and sponsorship activities. We wish to help those who are in need.


2010Host an event to Pertubuhan Rumah Kebajikan Seri Cahaya P.P
2010Cash sponsor to the WWF Malaysia
2010Website sponsor to Malaysia Speakers Association
2010Website sponsor to Rumah Berhala Tow Boo Kong Butterworth
2010Goods sponsor to Canteen Day hosted by Rumah Berhala Tow Boo Kong Butterworth
2011Goods sponsor to Kelab Kebajikan
2011Cash sponsor to the WWF Malaysia
2011Website sponsor to Life Saving Society Malaysia, Penang
2012Donation to Pusat Harian Kanak-Kanak Spastic
2013Website redesign sponsor to Life Saving Society Malaysia, Penang
2013Cash sponsor to the WWF Malaysia
2014Website sponsor to JCI Batu Kawan
2014We sponsor an awesome website to World Confeerence on Drowning Prevention 2015
2015Cash sponsor to the JCI Area Academy 2016
2015Responsive website re-design sponsor to Rumah Berhala Tow Boo Kong Butterworth
2015Cash sponsor to the JCI Batu Kawan Installation & Award Banquet
2016Website sponsor to Indian Association Penang
2016Cash sponsor to the JCI Area Peninsular North Convention 2016
2017Website sponsor to Pertubuhan Sihat Selalu Satu Malaysia
2019Donation made to Pertubuhan Rumah Kebajikan Seri Cahaya P.P
2019Monthly Donation to the WWF Association
2020Donation made to Zoo Negara Malaysia during Covid 19 Pandemic
2020Donation made to World Health Organization during Covid 19 Pandemic
2020Donation made to JCI Butterworth City (Help Masks) during Covid 19 Pandemic
2021Sponsorship made to School of Computer Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia VCSIRF (Virtual Computer Science Internship & Recruipment Fair)
2021Intake 25 TAR UC internship student into technopreneur programme during the pandemic situation
2021Sponsorship made to SEGI @ Personal Dynamic Interaction Web Workshop (IRONWORK 2021) to secondary school student
2021Sponsorship made to USM @ Virtual Computer Science Internship and Recruitment Fair (VCSIRF)
2021Donation made to PopCat

Donation to UNICEF MALAYSIA (Transaction Reference Number: WT241115163171)