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Does your business really need an APP?

Many business today wish to have good marketing tools to grow their business, notably in terms of maintaining their customers flow and loyalty. In order to achieve such success in customer retention over the long run, some small businesses tend to join other membership systems, which is predominantly representative by membership loyalty apps. If you do not know what they are, these are apps that claimed to be helpful in connecting customers to established and small businesses abroad. On the surface, these apps may sound promising to every business, especially to those who might find advertising difficult. However, those systems have some indirect flaws that create a lot of problems.

Issue 1: Brand for others; Database for others

One controversial issue when you decide to attach your business to a third-party membership loyalty app that we are well-aware of, is that your brand and database are made available for the host. Despite having your customers to revisit and repeat their purchases, do remember that their revisits are indirectly through the app. In return, your customers could have formed a false impression that it is actually the membership loyalty host playing their part to help retain your customers by your side, not your business efforts.

Also bear in mind that you are joining for a free loyalty boosting service and are receiving tons of promising benefits in customers networking and lead exchange, but eventually, though it might last for six months or a year, or even longer timeframe of two years, sooner after it will get replaced. Membership loyalty apps are indeed not a guaranteed path to increase your revenues.

Issue 2: Merging every industry altogether

Another major drawback that is seen is that the app is massively loaded with many many industries, making the overall user experience messy and very confusing. Many smartphone users won’t stay any longer after being under-impressed and frustrated by the underachieved user interface.

With that being said,

what are the CONS when you chose to build your own app?

Issue 1: High R&D costs

However, we are well-aware that its research and development will take a lengthy time, and its costs, for sure, is skyrocketing. According to a recent survey data, in order for a professional firm to acquire their own quality app, the costs usually started off with $25,000 US Dollars (equivalent to RM100,000), and could possibly go up high, depending on how large your company size is.

Issue 2: Oversized app

Nevertheless, quality is still something immeasurable through its costs. Certain apps when made, be it intentional or unintentional, the download size appears to be big. It would possibly eat up the users’ phone storage, hence affect their smartphone usage in terms of other functions. Most of the people won’t be willing to give up their smartphone storage for an app, even if the rewards are stunningly incentive.

Issue 3: A sole purpose

Plus, most apps were downloaded only when customers intend to achieve one sole purpose that benefits them. Take a “ONE TIME LIMITED ONLY!!!” deal for instance, would your customers bother keeping the app for any longer once they get what they desired? We believe you would take the same stance with us. It is clear that the concept of loyalty has been deemed on the notion of transactional relationship based on pure rewards. Before you walk away, let’s take a moment to reflect and ask ourselves: what is the purpose of all the above? As an established business, not only that we want to retain our customers flowing back in, we also want to keep simplicity at its best. We, Autobot, strive to help our clients to transform their business to another higher level through the ‘appless, cardless, membership system’.
Just imagine, if you could be able to boost your business growth from the initial 10% to a much significant figure of at least 40% upped…… That, would be awesome!